2 young ladies starting another downtown Inman business Mandy Loveridge and Jessie Bullman.
Jessica – My husband Austin and I have been together since 2015. We had our daughter Emery in December 2017, and we are due November 2023 with our 2nd daughter. I was a dental assistant before becoming a stay at home. I have always had a passion for creating and crafting so I turned that into a way to make an income staying home. That’s how I met Mandy in 2019 while I was making custom tumblers, she was my #1 customer.
Mandy is the social part of the business born and raised in Inman, and Jessica is the brains of the business. They cater to mom’s while keeping their prices affordable. Mandy and her husband Lance have been married for 14 years, with 2 children, Jayce & Maddox. A dog named Cesar, and yes named after the pizza place and 4 chickens. They spend their spare time at the ball field, travel with their church, and enjoy hiking.
How the name came to be the “Rustic“ the home look and the cool part “Jem” is named after their children, Jayce, Emery, and Maddox.
The Chamber and the City welcome you to the Inman Family. We want to wish them much success.